My first time - I didn't get really good shots of them - they had already moved back into the trees - so I knew I'd have to go back.
So I went back the next day and found them again. The first one surprised me and I didn't have time to change camera settings - live & learn!
The 2nd one I spotted was in a tough spot but he was Ok with me as I sat down on the ground at the edge of the road to get my shots.
It was 3 weeks before I could make it back to see if I could find them again and I got there just in time for one to come up out of the grass with a little mouse.
For such a little mouse it took him forever to finally eat him. He'd hold it in his beak and then hold it with his foot.
When he finally ate him it happened so fast I missed it!! He gave me a few looks and finally took off.
Down the road I spied another one and compared to the first owl - his breakfast was HUGE!!
I wish he had stayed on this stump but he kept looking around like he tho't his breakfast would get stolen and finally moved back into the trees to a higher spot.
I go back a week later and find one of the owls out hunting already. It kept me busy - I rarely get out of the car - so I was backing up and turning around to keep up with it.
I'm always zoomed in too close when they take off - or it's like this one - they take off in the shade. But I like it.
He kept trying to catch something but kept coming up empty.
Finally caught him in flight!
And then he was gone for the day.
When I go up another time I can see this one as he's hunting right by the road.
That was easy! Until he moved to the next post.
This was a really good day. There were another 2 out hunting and they would sometimes go to different spots or they'd be on the same branch. Kept me busy!!
Not sure why this one held his wings this way.
Up in a tree.
Down on the ground.
And 2 in one shot!
And no - I didn't get to see them every single time I went there. Yes - I got skunked. The last time I went I had driven thru and didn't see any. I figured this was going to be a quick - wasted - trip until I turned for a 2nd pass and I made a lucky spot!
Not so lucky at first - I could barely get shots!
I finally got brave and started the car and pulled forward. Nope - not there. Forward again. Nope. Forward again. I finally found the spot where if I'd turn in the seat and look back - I had a clear shot!!
It was worth it!!
I tho't he was going to hack up a pellet but this is all I got -
Yup - he's snoozing! Time for a quick game of Solitaire!
Love the Fall color that frames him.
I spent an hour getting shots of him. Two cars came by and finally a 3rd came by pulling an empty trailer and all that rattling made him turn and move to the right so my little window for shots was gone.
May try to get back one more time - will depend on the weather and the rain that's forecast. It's been such a treat to be able to photograph them this Fall.
Thanks for looking!