Monday, September 26, 2016

Fall Drive - September 25, 2016

I took Sunday off - since Don had surgery scheduled for early Monday morning I didn't want to end up with a late late shift - and we did our Fall Drive.  This takes us from Ashton over to Flagg Ranch - north of Jackson.  Well - in years past it has!  They had closed the road earlier because of the fire over by Flagg Ranch and we just assumed it had been re-opened - it hadn't.  

Oh well.  We picked Kris, Emilie and Bentley up a bit after 7 am and headed out.  Bentley is always ready to go!!

We drive north - and when we almost get to Ashton - we make a right and head east.  

The first few miles of the drive is across farmland - fields of potatoes and grain - before we get to the forest part.  And here at one of the farms we find a few Turkeys!!  Yeah - I'm pretty sure they aren't "wild" turkeys - but I had to have some photos anyway!!

Just down the road stands a forgotten home.

I always hope for animals on this trip but it's mostly about the scenery - but we did see alot of Mule Deer this time.

Lots of Fall color - we came at just the right time!!

That bird you can see in the tree is a Turkey Vulture - we didn't get close enuf for great shots of him so I won't check him off the list just yet. 

Another Mule Deer.

A stop at the lily pad covered - Indian Lake.

More fall color.

We always stop for a shot of South Boone Creek.

Then it's a stop for Loon Lake.  It was beautiful this day.

More Mule Deer - this one had twins!!

I don't know what these plants are but there's one spot that's just covered with it.  Very pretty!!

And we always stop here but for the life of me I can't think of the name of it so I cheated and looked back on last years photos since I ALWAYS take a photo of it - Cascade Creek!

And it wasn't too far down the road we finally found the barricades and had to turn around.  Bummer.  So we went from Ashton over to Tetonia/Driggs/Victor and over the mountain to Jackson.  Shot this at probably 55 mph -

We got some good Fall shots of the Tetons - from near and far.

And a nice herd of Bison posing in front of the Tetons.

We could only find these Moose north of Kelly - I say "these" but didn't get a shot of the mother.

Here's those people we picked up early in the morning for the ride - Kris, Emilie and Bentley.

 And I ended the day the same way it began - a shot of Bentley.

Now we just have to get Don healed up from his surgery he had this morning.  Back to work for me on Wednesday! 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Yellowstone - September 15, 2016


September has finally arrived and that means I get to go back to Yellowstone!!  Don was nice enuf to switch his days off so we could go on my ONE (!!) day off this week.  

We left a bit later since the sun is sleeping in yet in the morning - the drive up was a bit rainy and I tho't What a Bummer.  But then I remembered - we Never let the rain stop us anyway!!  And when we got to the Park the sprinkling was over with.  It was cloudy and cool.  

I was anxious to see just how bad the Maple Fire was along the Madison and there are a few places where you can see the fire came right down to the Madison River and also right down to the road!!  Scary!!  But as we drove past in the morning we were glad to see our Pika Spots were spared!!  So happy!!

There were some Elk over across the Madison but we didn't stop.  Too crowded and too far away.  The road between Norris and Mammoth is closed as they work on re-doing the last segment of that road so Everyone has to go from Norris to Canyon and then over Mt Washburn.  As we get closer to Canyon we stopped for some Coyotes out in the gold grasses. 

On we go and head south at Canyon to see if there's anything going on but it's pretty quiet this morning.  We do stop for a nice shot of some Elk on a far hillside.

There were Bison in lots of places - I think these were beside the road down south of Canyon.  This is one of this years calves.

Over Dunraven Pass we go and we arrive just as a Bear Jam is breaking up.  Maybe when we go home that way there will be another.

No Bear Jams today at Tower but there is a traffic jam for 2 very nice Big Horn Sheep who are just off the road.  Nice!!

We go on and make the turn to head on up thru Lamar Valley but we don't get very far - it's just past the Wrecker Turn-out and before the Yellowstone Picnic Area - when I look down and to my right and there stands a Fox!!  How has everyone missed that!!??!!  My door is open and Don hasn't even stopped yet!!

Not sure what he/she hears but he stands there for the longest time - just staring at the ground and listening - before he finally gives up and wanders away from us.  What a beauty!!

All quiet the rest of the trip thru Lamar Valley - we do stop and set up the scope as there is a carcass on the far side of the valley and river at the Yellowstone Institute.  A lone Wolf has killed an Elk but then he was killed by a pack of Wolves that were way out of their territory.  Such is life in Yellowstone.  The only thing happening while we were there were lots of Ravens, a Bald Eagle and some Coyotes.  So we pack up and head on down the road.  

Lunch is at the Yellowstone Picnic Area where we have our usual lunch guest - a Raven.

After lunch we head on west to Mammoth - stopping for a few short Bison Jams along the way.

Our mission in Mammoth is to see the Elk and this time of year they don't disappoint.  The males are in town to show off and win the females.  But right now everyone is snoozing.  Oh well.  They still make good photos.

This guy seems to be the one we always see this time of year in Mammoth.  I like this shot with a young calf behind him - maybe one of his kids??

There are 2 other bulls just to the east of him and they have managed to round up a few of the girls to their harem.  This one is still in velvet.

Don and I make the turn to take the Blacktail Plateau Road - we don't see much but we stop when I spot a herd of Bison on the run.  They disappear in the trees - and all we can hear is them running - so we get back to the truck since we don't know Where they're going to come back out!!  But we're not in the way as they cross the road just in front of us.  We don't know what is making them run but it's a huge herd we watch cross the road.  Some of them stop long enuf to take a look at us before they're back on the run - down the hill.

We can still see them as we finally continue on and they're still on the run!!

There is a bit of Fall color in Yellowstone.

This time as we head over Dunraven Pass we arrive with a few minutes to spare and get a few shots of a Black Bear.  I think I can say I've never seen this bear before - he's such a beautiful color!!  Black AND Cinnamon!!  Very unique!

We're up above him so I didn't get great shots before he disappears down below us where even the Rangers can't see him.  Time to get in your vehicles!!!

All quiet as we make our way out of the Park.  Huge traffic jams along the Madison for the Elk again - this time all we see are the females.  We opt to search for the Pika at a second spot - NOT our preferred spot - which is right along the road and with so much traffic and everyone slowing to see what we're doing - we don't want to cause an accident so we go on down to the second spot where we're back behind some trees.  

At first all we find is a Red Squirrel who is NOT happy with us being there.  He chatters at us from one rock before jumping down and coming closer to chatter at us again!!

 We do finally spot a Pika sitting very still on top of a rock.  He barely moves.  

We spot another one and this one is more active.  He grabs some leaves and has a snack while we watch.  Can you see his teeth??!!

It's 6 pm and time for us to get on the road.  We've had a Great trip for the first one of the Fall.  Never know if I'll get any others with this job of mine!  

The sunset on the drive home was spectacular!!

Thanks for looking!!