Thursday, June 4, 2020

Yellowstone - May 26th & June 2nd - 2020

Our 1st trip to Yellowstone for 2020 was May 26th - but we still can't go in thru West Yellowstone so we have to go to Jackson and go up thru Teton Park and in the South Entrance.  They'd been seeing lots of Grizzlies in Teton Park but when we cruised thru everyone was just waiting so we went on.

We went in to Yellowstone thru the South Entrance and then along Yellowstone Lake and stopped at LeHardy Rapids to check for Harlequin Ducks.  Had great luck with them.

What do you suppose he's saying to her?  JUMP!!!!

And in he goes after her.

I was in a great spot as this seemed to be a popular rock for them to stop on.

Nope! Nope!  If it was me I'd be staying on that rock!!

South of Canyon we found a Cinnamon Black Bear.  

Along the Gibbon River we find a Bison and over on the other side is a Bison carcass.  

Back in the Tetons I'm looking in the right direction to spy a Fox coming thru the sagebrush to the road.  We only had to wait a few seconds and he was coming right towards us.

Down the road a ways the Grizzly bears are finally out.  These are 2 siblings - they're 3 years old and still hanging out together after they got kicked out last year by Mom.

This is a male in the above photo and if you can see the white specks by his eye - he messed with a Porcupine recently.  

This is the female in the above photo.

We saw quite a few Moose in various places.  One crossed the road a couple cars ahead of us and this one was at the junction to Jackson Lake Dam. 

Now it's Tuesday - June 2nd - and the West Entrance at West Yellowstone is FINALLY open so in we go shortly after 7 am.  Our first stop is for a Cinnamon Black Bear past the Tuff Cliffs bathroom spot.  We ALWAYS check this little open area because in the past we've seen Grizzly Bears on 3 occasions.

Up at Swan Lake Flats I finally get to see the Bison babies!!  Even if they are about a month old or more they're still CUTE!!

I spotted a Black Bear coming out of the trees towards the road and he's on the run - he quickly crossed the road so we didn't have much time for photos.

More Bison babies!!!  Right by the road again.  I just opened the truck door and sat there and took photos!

This one found a little spot to take a dirt bath in.  They call these "wallows" and this one is just his size.

But he kind of missed the spot so then he had to take his foot and sweep the dirt back on himself.  So fun to watch!

Just before Ice Box Canyon there's a Black Bear real close to the road.  Even tho' he was standing in deep grass and bushes (?) he looked up a few times when a car would go by.  Love the Black Bears!!

Don was fading fast after lunch and a couple cookies so we stopped in Mammoth and while he napped I got some shots of the Elk right in front of the truck.  Unfortuantely we didn't get any shots of baby Elk.

We have 2 spots where we like to look for Pika.  The first one we could hear one calling but could never see it so we went on to the 2nd spot.  Neither of us really likes this spot because we have to scramble over a ton of downed trees.  We'd gone in a little ways and I told Don we didn't have to keep going - we could turn back and about that time a Pika called!!  We climbed over more downed trees and he's right down at the bottom of the rock pile!!  Love these little guys!!

He finally disappeared and went up higher but came back out to sit on this rock for us.

Now he's flat out on the rock and looks like he'll wait until we give up and  leave.  Great way to end our day!!

Not sure if we'll make any more trips or not but we'll definitely think about going in the Fall - just have to wait and see what's happening in the world.  
