It's been over a month since I've been out to Market Lake! It slows down this time of year as most of the birds head south for the Winter but I went anyway - was just hoping for some shots of the Great Horned Owl since they stay all year.
The only thing I saw along the water were Coots. I did see a Great Blue Heron but he was already poised to take flight when I finally saw him. So it was on to the trees.
And I wasn't too far down the path and it started to sprinkle on me. I tho't - Well, it's not too bad. So then it started to RAIN!! I just about turned around and headed for the car but kept going north and didn't get too far and the rain was done. Right decision!
Unfortunately I spooked one of the Great Horned Owls as I walked north. I never even saw him but watched to see how far he flew and then I really kept an eye out for it. And was lucky enough to spot him again - this time he stayed for some photos.
Walked a bit further and turned around. The Great Horned Owl took off when he saw me coming again. I can't walk those trees without scanning them as I go by - looking and looking - in hopes of seeing a Northern Saw Whet again.
I haven't seen a NSWhet since May 24th and I haven't spotted one myself since March 31st.
But guess what I found today????!!!!!
I'd already walked by him once - but like I said - I can't walk those trees without looking for them! Good thing!!
He was hidden pretty good! Here's the far-away shot.
Don't even try - I'll get you one a bit closer.
Now you can see him - right there in the center. He had a good spot - hard to see him OR get a photo of him. But I'm happy with what I got!!
Yeah - I tried every angle!!
What a Great Morning!!! Hope you enjoyed the photos!!