Monday, October 9, 2017

And there are TWO!!

Northern Saw Whets that is!

The weather is beautiful today and I couldn't resist running out to Market Lake to search for the Northern Saw Whet.  

The first one I found was in the same tree that I found one in last week.  I was hoping it might be a regular spot for it and was happy to find one there again today.  

I didn't stop and take any photos - there were cars in the parking area and I kind of wanted to find out who else was there before I gave away his hiding spot and who do I see coming down the path towards me but Patty Pickett!  She had missed spotting him so we went back to him and got our photos. 

Patty went to her car to message a friend to see if he wanted to come up and I went on walking up the path in the trees.  Always scanning the trees to see what else I could find. 

And I spot a 2nd Saw Whet!!

I KNEW there had to be another!!


We also got some shots of the Great Horned Owls.

They had a disagreement of some kind.  Very interesting to watch!!  The one to the left was snapping his bill at the other and had ahold of his foot!!

 And later Gale and I found a PHEASANT - !!! - in a tree!!  Didn't expect that!!

Since hunting season has opened it might be a safe spot for him!!  I can honestly say I've never tho't to look for a Pheasant in a tree!! 

I'll keep running out to Market Lake as long as the weather is good.  Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. It was very enjoyable and thank you so much! I love your blogs!
