Friday, July 8, 2016

Market Lake - July 7, 2016

It's been too long since I was out with my camera.  Work, Work, Work - 8 days straight.  I've only got one day off this week so I tho't I better make a run out to Market Lake while I had the chance - I never know when the next day off will be since the schedule doesn't come out until today. 

First up - I spied the Swans.  I had only seen one a couple times - and always very far from the road.  Today I could see 2 and they were right beside the road - when I pulled closer I figured they would fly off but thru the cat-tails and such I could see they were with their babies so I knew they wouldn't be taking off.  BUT they weren't even bothered enuf to swim further from the road so I could get a shot of the family.  Here's one of the parents

Saw quite a few Double Crested Cormorants - this was the only one that didn't take off before I got stopped.

I walked along the east side of the trees to see the Great Horned Owls.  Couldn't believe my luck !!!!   

I got a shot of the seldom seen but often talked about 


Yes, I'm sure that's what it is.

The baby ducks are soooo Tiny yet it's hard to get focused on them as they swim along but these were settling down for the evening with Mom.

At about this point I spotted the Weasel across the canal and stopped to get a shot or two of him.  But he had disappeared into a hole along the canal and during the almost 15 minutes I sat and waited he didn't re-appear.  

Back down the road the Swans are still swimming in the canal so they're nice and close to the road yet.  Now I get to see the little ones!  FIVE of them!!

When I first got there I could see a young Short-eared Owl sitting out a ways - he had his back to me and was watching and calling to the parent - FEED ME!!!  When I came back by he'd moved a bit closer to the road so I parked and watched.  

Sitting out on a bush where I'm sure he's hoping the parents will drop off some food as he's still crying to them.

This one has had a successful hunt.

The kids start flying around and sometimes land down the road from me.

And my favorite shot of the evening of one of the parents on a fence post.  Love the sunflowers!!

Hoping it's not too long before I can go out again with my camera!!

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