First off a Huge THANK YOU to my facebook friend Patti Pickett for taking me out to see them!! So glad you found them and so Very Glad that you shared!!
These Barn Owls were at someone's yard - roosting above the cats and dogs. (Bet they don't have a problem with kittens!! Yikes!!) We stayed out on the road where we had one in fairly good view.
But then another of our birding friends showed up - Gayle Wilcox - and he went up to the door and knocked and when no one answered we went ahead and wandered their yard snapping away.
Some of the owls were in good view - others were high or somewhat hidden by branches - but they were all simply Beautiful!!
This next one had such a white face -
I got alot of shots of this one - those eyes!! What is it about those eyes???
Here's that white faced one with his eyes open - those eyes!!
This one was so gold -
Wandering back and forth across the yard we finally noticed a Great Horned Owl !!
I could spend days here!! But I also had to work later in the afternoon so Patti and I headed out - we wanted to stop and look for Moose yet.
Out on the road Patti spotted a Merlin for us to get some shots of.
I don't even remember what this next one was! Was this a Ferruginous Hawk???
There were hundreds of Hawks out in this area. Everywhere you looked - on fence posts, power line posts, on the ground - Everywhere!! But most of them - like the one above - took off either as soon as you slowed or got the camera pointed at them!! If we decided to drive slowly by - they never moved!
So we made our way over to Mud Lake in search of a couple of Moose. We looked and looked and almost to the end of the road - there he stood! This is a young one - all legs and his nose hasn't grown as long as it will be.
But if your nose isn't long enuf - just get down on your knees to eat lunch!!
What a smart Moose!! We did eventually find an adult Moose too but it hid behind the bushes and we couldn't get any worthwhile shots of it.
Was a Great morning and I have to say Thanks again to Patti Pickett for sharing!!
Great photos and story. I also had a fun day. Actually got a pic of the one barn owl hacking up a pellet. Didn't know it till I got home and looked at the pics. Also got I got a pic of red tail Hawk with a mouse. I really like the Mud Lake/Monteview area. So many raptors. I would have loved to see the moose. Keep blogging. Good stuff