It's been a month since I got the same day off with Don - as soon as the schedule came out on Friday we started making plans to head to Jackson on Tuesday.
I'll tell ya right now - we didn't see much. The Big Horn Sheep weren't that close to the road so we drove by and didn't take any shots of them. The Elk were chasing the feed wagon so they weren't close to us. I saw a Moose along the Gros Ventre River but we didn't stop as it wasn't that close and it was on the far side. No Bison. There's always Deer anywhere you look coming thru Jackson but we never stop for pictures of them. Oh! We did see a Porcupine but it was along the highway so we didn't get to stop for it.
So we spent the day watching little specks laying in the snow. Those specks were Wolves. Occasionally one would raise its head. Sometimes one would actually stand up and walk a bit before laying back down. Then for a time they disappeared and we waited for a head to pop back up. We watched as they raised their heads - and if you listened closely you could hear them howl.
Don said they were about 700 yards out - no wonder they were just specks!! But I snapped a few photos anyway. Here they are - first up are a few to show what we were looking at - and how far away they were!
See that red " V "? Right below it is a Wolf.
How about a bit closer?
This is a bit better -
Here are a few more shots I got -
This one is howling -
We had what they call a "Three Dog Day" - in this shot you can see the Wolf and behind him is a Coyote.
I don't know where he came from but this Fox walked by in front of us. Wish I'd seen him sooner and gotten some shots of him as he walked towards us. Oh well - was fun to see!
Was a beautiful blue sky day so I had to take some shots of those gorgeous Tetons.
We did get lucky and got to photograph the Bald Eagle in his usual spot on the power poles. He had changed poles but it could be the same one in both shots - I'm only guessing!
And here's my Valentine - Don himself.
Hope everyone's day was as great as mine!
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