Sunday, March 12, 2017

Tetons & Alpine - March 12, 2017

I'm so glad I asked for the day off - I actually got it!!!  It's been a month since I had a day off with Don - I'm going to have to ask more often!

Only bad thing about today is - it's that darn Spring Forward!  I can't even think what time we should get up - we lose an hour and we're getting up early - Just Tell Me How Much Sleep I'm Going To Get!!!!  Then when the alarm goes off I have to find another clock to see if the phone (I use for my alarm clock) has Updated because there have been times when it hasn't until later in the day!!!  >sigh<  But it all worked out and we were on the road a little after 7am.

We tho't about mixing things up and heading out past Kelly first but in the end we decided to just do the same old thing we always do.  Worked out great!  First up - we made our way to the back side of the Elk Refuge to find some Big Horn Sheep.  Our trip just about ended there - boy is that road Rough!!!  It just looked like a bit of water on the road but the water seemed to be hiding this one huge hole!!  Don was sure we'd broke something but everything seemed to be Ok.  Whew!

We went on by the few sheep - these were females and we were hoping for some males instead.  Picky Picky!  Down the road we passed some Pronghorn.

Then down around the corner we stopped and I got out the binoculars - 4 Coyotes were traveling across the snow.   

When another car stopped and got out to walk their dog the Coyotes stopped to watch.

We turned around and now more Big Horn Sheep have appeared.  This group had some nice males in it so we stopped and got out.  

Nope - pretty sure the next one is probably a female. 

We headed north out of town and just after turning down the Gros Ventre Road we find the first Moose laying really close to the road.  I was glad to finally find one that wasn't hiding in the bushes!!  

Seemed to be nap time so we loaded up and just a bit further we find another Moose.  He's real close to the road also Plus we're above him which is always nice.

He's eating branches and we get some great shots before he moves closer and behind a bush.

Just for fun I checked to see if I could find myself in the reflection in his eye but I couldn't make out anything that looked like a person standing there!!

 After that it was just a whole bunch of driving.  We drove up to Moose and checked all the usual places - plus an extra spot - and didn't see any animals - very few people either!!  We just knew they were all somewhere secret taking photos of something Spectacular!!  Then we went a different way back to town and Still Didn't See Anything!!!  

We grabbed some lunch at Dairy Queen and headed to Alpine to check for Mountain Goats.  Along the way we did see 3 more Moose in some of the closed-buried-under-snow campgrounds.  And much to our surprise we also found some Mountain Goats!!

Five of them were high up but here right in front of us we had 2 down low.  Lucky us!!

I can't believe it's almost the middle of March and these are the first shots of Mountain Goats I've gotten.  

Where we see the Mountain Goats - we call that The Canyon.  That's the Snake River down below and all along - even on our side of the road - you can see lots of snow slides.  Scary!!  (Yeah - I'm just an amateur at taking Phone Photos - that's my finger!!)

And that was our day.  I think it was a pretty good one!!
Thanks for looking!!

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