Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Greater Sage Grouse

What an amazing experience!!!  I've lived in Idaho now for 27 years and I've probably heard every one of those years that it's time for the Greater Sage Grouse to put on their courtship display.  But did I ever go see them?  Nope.

Until my friend Patty Pickett took me out to see them today!  I can't say Thank You enough times to Patty for sharing this experience with me!

We left at 6 am - you have to be there early because they don't do this All Day Long.  It's an early morning ritual.  I always assumed that you had to hide so they wouldn't be able to see you but Patty drives right up next to them and shuts the car off and there we sit. 

When we get there the males are already Strutting Their Stuff.  So fun to watch them!  The females are nondescript and really don't show that much interest in the males.  Some of the males are displaying right near the females but there are a few that appear to be displaying for - No One!  There are no females anywhere near them!!  But that doesn't stop them!  

First I'm going to add a very short video of them - it's only about 15 seconds long - but you can see and hear them.

See how interested those ladies seem?? 

The sun isn't quite up yet but there's plenty of light to get some photos of them.

 Those yellow sacs are filled with air.

With the morning sun coming up behind them it's a beautiful setting.  

The females head out to the road - a few at a time - and then fly away.  The males barely seem to notice and  are still strutting their stuff!  Suddenly the males all stop their displaying and get low to the ground and then take off - A Bald Eagle is doing a flyover.  Our fun was over.  

Now that I know where to find them I'm definitely going back!!

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