Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 27 & 28, 2018

Nice to have 2 days in a row off again.  But then I hate to go back to work so maybe it's not a "good" thing!

My "weekend" actually started on Monday when I had just a short shift.  I hurried home and loaded the car and headed north to Market Lake.  But it was a slow day and I only took a few shots.  Did find the male Great Horned Owl snoozing.

Then Tuesday Don and I got up early and headed over to Jackson for the day.  The Moose were just black dots out in the sagebrush and we couldn't find any close to the road and now that things are melting they have the trails blocked off so we couldn't drive closer to them.  

Glad I got my shots of the Tetons when I did - the clouds moved in later in the day.  I always like those "ribbons" of clouds on them.  Those black dots in the sagebrush are Elk - they're starting to move off of the Elk Refuge which is to the south.

But finding those Mule Deer beside the road was entertaining!!  I was Sure that when I got out and walked to where I could see them over the truck they would take off but talk about a curious bunch!!

Lucky Us!!

The Big Horn Sheep were up on top when we drove thru the first time but we decided to get our lunch and take it back to the back side of the Elk Refuge and check on them again.  

And there they were - grazing just off the road.  I'd eat and then I'd grab my camera and get a few shots and get back in the truck and eat - didn't want to miss anything!!  They grazed past us so when we got done we grabbed our cameras and walked down the road a ways for more shots.  

Not sure what these 2 tho't they saw but they sure stood and watched across the road for a bit.  Don and I couldn't see a thing.

 They were finally done eating and laying down for a rest.

After Don got some car business taken care of we headed to Alpine for the Mountain Goats.  We found exactly 4 and in a beautiful setting.  The only bad thing is - this is the spot that if we stop here I ALWAYS end up with a TICK!!!!!  So far I haven't found one - but I'm sure the little bugger is here somewhere!!

We got home and I moved all of my stuff from the truck over to my car and I got up early this morning to go check on the Grouse.  Was a great day for them - had them on both sides of the road at the one spot and real close at the other spot.

Some of us weren't getting along with the others and a scuffle broke out between these 2 - most of it was "butt shots" for me but it was fun to watch!

This what all the fuss is about - the female Sage Grouse. 

I haven't even gotten thru all of my shots I took today.  But did find a few to share -

Then it was on to Camas where there still isn't much going on but I spied a Porcupine sitting in the sunshine 

On the way to Market Lake I find a Sandhill Crane pair just off the road.  This must all be part of the mating ritual they do.  Jumping in the air, picking stuff up and throwing it and calling to each other.

Fun to watch & listen!!

Still not much going on at Market Lake.  From a distance I spied 2 large white birds that turned out to be Pelicans.  For once they didn't take off as I got closer.

The Great Horned Owl pair were in their usual spots.

Here's the male.

And she was sitting up tall in the nest today.  One of these days we'll be seeing how many babies they had this year!

Found a lone Snow Goose and then it was on home.

Back to work the next 3 days (that's as far as the schedule goes until the new one on Friday).
Thanks for looking!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

We Saw 4 Animals!!

I always have to come up with a title for a new post on the blog and it's boring just using the date I took the photos so I tho't "We Saw 4 Animals!!" accurately describes our day.  

Yes.  We saw FOUR animals today!  But they were all in pretty good view for photos.  Oh sure - there were Deer here and there but nothing close.  And certainly no photos of them.  Of course there were Elk but they were way out on the Elk Refuge or going up a hillside.  You can usually always see the Bison from the highway at Swan Valley but that's pretty far away.  And probably 8 or 10 other Moose way out in the sagebrush where we've been seeing them.  No way to get close to them today.  They were "Moose Dots"!  

We checked the back side of the Elk Refuge first and we did find 2 Big Horn Sheep - the one was snoozing in the sun

and we weren't there very long and the other one laid down also.

We headed out to check for Moose north of town and found one right along Gros Ventre Road.

All the others were "Moose Dots" and no way to get closer to them today.  I got some shots of the Tetons even tho' they were partially covered.

Nothing going on down Moose-Wilson Road and once again the closer to the mountains we got - the less of them we could see.  So instead of back-tracking to see the Moose and Big Horn Sheep again we decided to head to Alpine for Mountain Goats and lunch.

And what do we find???  

ONE Mountain Goat.


He's Right Beside the road and we turn around and come back and park - and he doesn't run off!  What Luck!! 

Got a fun series of him shaking his head

We went and had lunch at the Bull Moose Saloon in Alpine and then went back to check on him and found him down on the highway - licking salt up - so Don got out and chased him off the road.  

My Hero!!

See!  FOUR animals!  But it was a darn good day for only 4 animals!!
Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 2, 2018

February Photos

I didn't realize I hadn't done a blog post of our last trip to Jackson so I'll put them on here first and then just some others I've taken this month.

The Jackson trip was on February 6th and we had great luck with the Moose again.  We stopped for the Big Horn Sheep first but got there just a bit too late as they had crossed the road and were heading away. 

But they still make for a nice picture.  Standing up above was this guy.

And this Bald Eagle was just content to stand on this rock and look around.

We went in search of Moose and found them down the same trail where we saw them the last time!  That made it easy!!

And this is where we stopped to take a photo of a Bald Eagle at the Miller House and when we were almost home Don discovered he'd dropped his phone when he got out.  Lucky for us we found it!!  Me??  I took my photos from the truck!

We haven't made it back to Jackson since then - darn schedules!  But I've kept an eye on the backyard and made a couple trips to Camas and Market Lake.  Spotted a Squirrel in the neighbors tree one day.

And it looks like someone managed to dump bird seed out of the feeder so she (?) could get something to eat.

The little Black-capped Chickadees are so fast!!

Nope.  Don't care if there are birds or squirrels in my yard.  Staying in my blankie! 

 I've been out to Camas and Market Lake a couple times but it's too early for much of anything.  Not sure how I managed to get this close - I think this is a Rough-legged Hawk.  Let me know if I'm wrong!

That's a Great Horned Owl on her nest.  I don't know how they can keep eggs warm enough in the Winter! 

Found a 2nd Great Horned Owl on another nest.  

Guessing this is a Northern Goshawk.

Coyote - he stayed in this spot for about 30 min - I could still see him as I went by to the other side of him.

This is the male Great Horned Owl.  I love this spot he sits in - very well hidden if you don't know where to look for him.
Caught that Northern Goshawk in the same spot as the first photo of him.

And much to my surprise I found 2 Moose!  It was snowing pretty good and they were a fair distance away.  This one still has his antlers.  

Ok - that was February - and the 1st of March.  Snowing really good out there today - it can quit anytime for me!!  I'm ready for Spring - Yellowstone opens to cars in 48 days and our 5 Days in Yellowstone are 74 days away!!  Can't wait!!
Hope you enjoyed!