Tuesday, March 6, 2018

We Saw 4 Animals!!

I always have to come up with a title for a new post on the blog and it's boring just using the date I took the photos so I tho't "We Saw 4 Animals!!" accurately describes our day.  

Yes.  We saw FOUR animals today!  But they were all in pretty good view for photos.  Oh sure - there were Deer here and there but nothing close.  And certainly no photos of them.  Of course there were Elk but they were way out on the Elk Refuge or going up a hillside.  You can usually always see the Bison from the highway at Swan Valley but that's pretty far away.  And probably 8 or 10 other Moose way out in the sagebrush where we've been seeing them.  No way to get close to them today.  They were "Moose Dots"!  

We checked the back side of the Elk Refuge first and we did find 2 Big Horn Sheep - the one was snoozing in the sun

and we weren't there very long and the other one laid down also.

We headed out to check for Moose north of town and found one right along Gros Ventre Road.

All the others were "Moose Dots" and no way to get closer to them today.  I got some shots of the Tetons even tho' they were partially covered.

Nothing going on down Moose-Wilson Road and once again the closer to the mountains we got - the less of them we could see.  So instead of back-tracking to see the Moose and Big Horn Sheep again we decided to head to Alpine for Mountain Goats and lunch.

And what do we find???  

ONE Mountain Goat.


He's Right Beside the road and we turn around and come back and park - and he doesn't run off!  What Luck!! 

Got a fun series of him shaking his head

We went and had lunch at the Bull Moose Saloon in Alpine and then went back to check on him and found him down on the highway - licking salt up - so Don got out and chased him off the road.  

My Hero!!

See!  FOUR animals!  But it was a darn good day for only 4 animals!!
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE them!That mountain goat was so sweet to give you some poses! lol Plus, I love the Teton pics with the clouds! VERY pretty!
