I didn't realize I hadn't done a blog post of our last trip to Jackson so I'll put them on here first and then just some others I've taken this month.
The Jackson trip was on February 6th and we had great luck with the Moose again. We stopped for the Big Horn Sheep first but got there just a bit too late as they had crossed the road and were heading away.
But they still make for a nice picture. Standing up above was this guy.
And this Bald Eagle was just content to stand on this rock and look around.
We went in search of Moose and found them down the same trail where we saw them the last time! That made it easy!!
And this is where we stopped to take a photo of a Bald Eagle at the Miller House and when we were almost home Don discovered he'd dropped his phone when he got out. Lucky for us we found it!! Me?? I took my photos from the truck!
We haven't made it back to Jackson since then - darn schedules! But I've kept an eye on the backyard and made a couple trips to Camas and Market Lake. Spotted a Squirrel in the neighbors tree one day.
And it looks like someone managed to dump bird seed out of the feeder so she (?) could get something to eat.
The little Black-capped Chickadees are so fast!!
Nope. Don't care if there are birds or squirrels in my yard. Staying in my blankie!
I've been out to Camas and Market Lake a couple times but it's too early for much of anything. Not sure how I managed to get this close - I think this is a Rough-legged Hawk. Let me know if I'm wrong!
That's a Great Horned Owl on her nest. I don't know how they can keep eggs warm enough in the Winter!
Found a 2nd Great Horned Owl on another nest.
Guessing this is a Northern Goshawk.
Coyote - he stayed in this spot for about 30 min - I could still see him as I went by to the other side of him.
This is the male Great Horned Owl. I love this spot he sits in - very well hidden if you don't know where to look for him.
Caught that Northern Goshawk in the same spot as the first photo of him.
And much to my surprise I found 2 Moose! It was snowing pretty good and they were a fair distance away. This one still has his antlers.
Ok - that was February - and the 1st of March. Snowing really good out there today - it can quit anytime for me!! I'm ready for Spring - Yellowstone opens to cars in 48 days and our 5 Days in Yellowstone are 74 days away!! Can't wait!!
Hope you enjoyed!
You have the best eyes!! Thanks for sharing! ❤️