Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Lots of Birds PLUS a Common Loon!!

- - Ok - I was having trouble with the video of the Loon - hoping I have it figured out and it works for you!

Haven't had much time to get out with my camera - even less time to get some photos posted so I'll combine a couple of trips out to Camas and Market Lake.  If you've stopped just for the Common Loon - scroll on towards the bottom.  I even got a short video of him calling.

First up is a stop to check on the Burrowing Owls - only one in view so hopefully this is the male and there's a female sitting on eggs somewhere!  

Can't visit either Camas or Market Lake without seeing hundreds (thousands?) of American Coots.  This one was fairly close for a shot.

They have such strange legs and feet that I'm always trying to catch a shot when they're out of the water - see what I mean?!

Camas is the place to go if I want to see the Short-eared Owls and I've been lucky and got some shots of them.  

When I can get one of the Cinnamon Teal ducks to sit still for a photo I'm happy - this one was busy and didn't seem to notice me.

The Willets are a noisy bird and like to stay on the road - in front of the car.  Makes it hard to get a shot of them but I must've snuck up on this one at the edge of a pond.  

Found a Long-billed Curlew walking thru the dry grass.  He blends right in.

A Yellow-headed Blackbird

A Canvasback

Starting to see the Black Crowned Night Herons at Market Lake.

Usually the (American White) Pelicans won't let me get close for any photos but sometimes I get lucky and they don't take off - just paddle slowly away.

You can still find Sandhill Cranes 

Even one on a nest!

Found a Trumpeter Swan that didn't mind getting a few photos taken.

Baby Canada Geese are showing up - Finally!!  Love the babies!!

Tree Swallow

Mom Great Horned Owl was finally off the nest today and I could see 2 little ones - but so hard to get a shot of them thru the branches and the leaves coming on - so I just had a quick look thru the binoculars at them and then turned to get a shot of Dad.

And finally - the surprise of the day.  Didn't expect to see a Common Loon today!!  They have an unmistakable silhouette so I spotted it from a distance but getting a shot of it was harder than I tho't it would be!  They dive and when they do they come up way Way WAY far away from where they went down!!  I was backing up and going forward and backing up again - but I finally got my shot and also a quick video and he even gave that unmistakable Loon "wail".  Glad I didn't give up on this shot!!

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