Saturday, May 6, 2017

Short-eared Owls & Long-tailed Weasels

What a day! What a day!  I had to work until midnight on Thursday and the alarm went off at 6:15 am (Ugh!) Friday morning so I could ride to Salmon, Idaho with Don - he was delivering a truck to his customer.  

We left town sometime after 8 am.  Was a really nice day for a drive.  Really not much to see - unless you like sagebrush!  But I kept watching for something and I did spy a Burrowing Owl - we stopped on the way home but he wouldn't pop out anywhere for us.  

But we did stop for a "rookery" - which is a collection of nests high in a tree - and these belonged to the Great Blue Herons.   These were right by the highway and Don was good enuf to take the chance of stopping - he wasn't sure the trade-in pickup would start again!!  I always find it strange to think that these birds nest in a tree!!

That orange bill you can see - just above center - is a Great Blue Heron.

Don had to go to work and I debated - nap? or Camas?  Tried the nap which once again Wasn't Happening so I loaded the car and headed north to Camas.  

Right Decision!!

First time I've come up in the evening - I was hoping for Short-eared Owls - so really didn't see much else to get photos of.  The Sandhill Crane was still on her nest, lots of Red-winged Blackbirds and Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Coots and various other waterfowl.  And a somewhat distant Trumpeter Swan.

I finally spotted the Short-eared Owls - it was time to hunt so they were mostly flying far from the road.  But they would land and I'd just hope it was close to the road. 

And finally!!

Love these guys!  He took off so I followed and watched for more.  I did see a nice Ruddy Duck.

The owls continued to fly far from the road until I about drove by this one!  Just as I spied him he gulped down whatever he'd caught for dinner but he did stick around for me to get some really nice shots of him.  Or her.

 Nope - all gone!!

He finally took off so I continued down the road - I was the only one out there but I still had to check sometimes to make sure I was still on the road and when I glanced back at the road one time what do I see???  

A Long-tailed Weasel !!

I slammed on the brakes, threw it into Park and I was out the door.  Glad no one else came along since my door was left open!!

These guys are really so sooo Small !!!  And FAST!!!!  Incredibly fast!!  I got out and stood watching where I tho't I had seen him and he came out of a hole and looked around.  


He was incredibly curious and kept looking at me and then running towards me - then just as quick he'd run back the way he'd come.  Good thing!!  I couldn't get a shot of him when he was that close!!

He'd look around and then take off again.

He finally looked across the road one more time and he was across in a flash.  I tried but couldn't spot him again so finally got back in the car to head home.

I'm so glad I had to give up on napping and went to Camas tonight!!

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