Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Market Lake - May 24, 2016

Have just a short shift later this afternoon so I ran out to Market Lake this morning.  Usually not very busy out there during the week but today there were lots of people!

I'm always happy when I get lucky and find the Short-eared Owls sitting near the road and happier still when it's NOT on a metal post!  This one even stuck around even tho' vehicles drove by him.

Aren't they just gorgeous??

Down the road I got lucky when the Sandhill Cranes were just crossing the road - and look what's following behind!!  Yes, a Rubber Chicken!!

Isn't that baby a silly looking thing???  First time I've gotten a close shot of one - they're called "colts" - but they didn't stick around long and hustled that baby off the road and into the deep grass where you couldn't get a shot of him.  

Finally seeing more Great Blue Herons - they're pretty spooky and hard to catch before they take off.

Just before I make the turn for the trees I stop for the White-faced Ibis. 

I did spot this Long-eared Owl watching me.

But thanks to Adam Brubaker he showed me where a Northern Saw Whet Owl was perched.  I haven't seen one in about a month and a half so it's nice to know there's at least one still around.

He's got himself what looks like a mouse.  

I left him and went to see what else I could find!

A Black-crowned Night Heron.

Killdeer with - - is that a worm??

Found a Great-tailed Grackle - and his reflection.

A Short-eared Owl out hunting.

Then I found a new facebook friend - Patti Pickett - so I went to show her the Northern Saw Whet and she showed me where the Great Horned Owl was sitting.

And the Long-eared Owl babies. 

Then we drove around the corner and found the Burrowing Owl.

I could sit and watch him all day!!

But I do have to work for a living.  Found a Western Grebe on the way south.

And a Double Crested Cormorant with some lunch.  I was glad he had his lunch to worry about - otherwise they dive or fly off as soon as they see a camera lens!!

Was a very good morning!! 

1 comment:

  1. Cool, very neat pics, maybe we'll get out there soon, but hopefully there's no snakes, saw one there last year and I am terrified of them!
