Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Sometimes you don't plan anything for your day off and it ends up being one of the best days we've had where we head out with our cameras.  We hadn't even talked about doing anything until Don got home from the gym this morning - he asked if I wanted to go anywhere and I said - Jackson??  

So that's where we went!  We decided to go up to Moose first and that's where we found the 2 moose.  We made the turn to check around Dornan's and we did drive on by them before we saw them when we drove by the 2nd time!!  

The one was laying down and we weren't there very long and the other one laid down too.  

So we left them in search of other things to photograph.  We ended up at Snake River Landing and Schwabacher's Landing to photograph the Tetons but I'll put them in another blog post of just the Tetons.  

But we did find this squirrel - an American Red Squirrel to be exact.  He was so fun to watch as he ate his pine cone - just like an ear of corn!!

 All Done!!

We're just north of the Jackson Airport and I always have to see what's coming in for a landing when they go over.  Caught this airplane right above us.

When we got done getting lots of shots of the Tetons and since we weren't that far from where the moose were we stopped to see what they were doing.  Right Decision!!  They were up and grazing.  Don said we were probably only about 75 feet away from them (and sometimes only 40 feet!!) so we got tons of great shots!!  

Here are a few of them

They finally both crossed the road - but not before pausing to look over the Dornan's area.  

We spent about 45 minutes with them and except for a few people driving by we had them all to ourselves.  Was a Great Day!!

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