Wednesday, August 31, 2016

3 Trips to Market Lake

Had some time to go take some photos so I ran out to Market Lake - once before work on Monday and I was off on Tuesday so I went once in the morning and back in the evening. 

Here are some of the things I saw.  

Found a little Muskrat sitting and having some breakfast on the side of the canal.

At the trees I stopped and checked the water by the parking area and found lots of birds!  There was a whole flock of American Avocets that were searching thru the water for food.  They're usually much prettier than this - these didn't have the pretty cinnamon color on their heads so they're categorized as "non-breeding". 

And a beautiful Snowy Egret.  There were actually 3 right here - one flew off when I got there, this one stayed and here just off to the left I didn't even know there was a 3rd!!

I walked the trees and saw Great Horned Owls but I couldn't get any good shots of them so I didn't even take any!!

As I head south again I find a bee heading in on a flower (or weed!) of some kind.

Down at the south end I arrive just in time to watch an Osprey eating a fish!!

I love this spot - we're far enough away he isn't bothered by me so I get lots of shots of him!

He really was a messy eater!!  I won't share some of the "stuff" that fell away!!  Blech!!!

He ate quite a bit of it before taking off when a 2nd Osprey flew over.

And with that it was time to head to work!

Back the next morning I find a female Pheasant right next to the road.  I'd actually seen her yesterday too but she was on the other side of the canal.  I don't know - - but her eye doesn't look "right".  Is it supposed to be all pinkish-red around it??  Wonder what's wrong with her??  Or have I just never noticed that before??

I did find one of the Great Horned Owls where I could get some shots.  Wish you had been there to hear it hooting back and forth with a second one.  I could just barely make the 2nd one out hidden on the far side of the trees. 

But when I go to leave I can see the 2nd one from the road.

Look who else I saw!!  They can sure hide good - I'd already walked by him
once!!  There was a second Porcupine but I couldn't even see his face so I passed on him.

Looks like Fall is on the way - found a few leaves that have already turned.

Sat and watched another American Bittern.  I expected him to come up with a small fish - maybe a minnow - but I don't know exactly what this little green creature is.  It has a long tail - it's sticking out the other side of his mouth.  A lizard of some kind???

Found the Swan family as they rested on an island.  Here are the 5 kids.

I went back up in the evening - mainly for some sunset shots - but early enough I could look around for other things too.

You have to watch the far side of the canal closely as some of these birds blend right in.  Here's a juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron - he's standing right in the center of my photo.  See him??

Here he is - zoomed in.

The Pelicans are always soooo spooky and always take off before I can get close.  This one chose to fly away too but he flew up the canal and past me so I got a few shots of him anyway!

And here's that sunset I stayed for.

Hope you enjoyed - Thanks for looking!!

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